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What is x-view-model?

Binding view and view-model

x-view-model is a solution that make react hooks support MVVM without introduce any third-party libriries and aims to separates UI from business logic and provide immutable data & global state management, memory management and persistent data management and provide intuitive API.

Using x-view-model will bring a lot of convenience as follows:

  • 💼 Provide global and local state management, without introducing reducer or redux and other state management solutions;
  • 🌲 Provide global cache and persistent data storage management;
  • 🎩 It can make the business code more organized, maintainable and testable, and the division of responsibilities is clearer.
  • 🍰 Effectively avoid the problem of too many states that need to be managed inside the component, and simplify the useState and setState writing methods in the form of objects.
  • 🍷 There is no need to care about hooks inside the class-based ViewModel, so you can focus more on business logic development.
  • 👋 It can realize global data update and cross-component data transfer without useReducer or context
  • 🌲 Different stores are divided according to the key, the view component will not respond to the state changes of the unused stores, and the performance overhead can be canceled
  • 🍳 ViewModel will provide basic lifecycle functions, which is more convenient than useEffect to handle asynchronous functions
  • 🍖 ViewModel will automatically trigger memory recycling according to the life cycle of react hooks, and memory management is more efficient
  • 🥒 No need to use useCallback to deal with component re-rendering problems caused by avoiding function reference changes.
  • 🍰 After calling the updater to update, the latest state value can be obtained synchronously
  • 👋 It can realize fine-grained update of the attribute value of the object, and can realize immutable data